This repo has significantly expanded the set of Examples from the mleibman repo
Basic Use
Basic use with minimal configuration
Adding some formatting
Handling events and context menu
Highlighting and flashing cells
Making it editable
Writing compound editors
Implementing Undo
Using a CompositeEditor to implement detached item edit form
Using pre-compiled micro-templates to render cells
Spreadsheet: cell range selection, copy’n’paste and Excel-style formula editor
No vertical scrolling
Filling the whole window
Implementing a totals row via a data provider
(most comprehensive)
Using a filtered data view to drive the grid
Optimizing DataView for 500’000 rows
AJAX-loading data with search
AJAX-loading data, second example
Sorting by an index, getItem method
Using fixed header row for quick filters
Multi-column sorting
Using dataItemColumnValueExtractor option to specify a custom column value extractor
Interactive grouping and aggregates
Adding tree functionality (expand/collapse) to the grid
Other Features
Explicit initialization
Row selection & reordering
Using background post-rendering to add graphs
Background post-rendering with async cleanup
Bootstrap, Dynamic Grids and Third Party component editors
Putting multiple grids on a page
With Bootstrap 3 header
SlickGrid inside jQuery Accordion
Dynamically created SlickGrid inside jQuery tabs
Dynamically created SlickGrid with DataView and filtering, inside jQuery tabs
jQuery Autocomplete editor
Select2 javascript drop-down editor
Plugin: Checkbox row selectors with CheckboxSelectColumn plugin
Plugin: Column header buttons
Plugin: Column header menu
Plugin: Auto tooltips